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League of Women Voters of the District of Columbia
1233 20th St NW, Suite 500
Washington DC 20036

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Get Involved - Volunteer!

You have more power than you know.

Volunteers make everything we do possible. It’s our volunteers who organize Community Forums, produce the voter guide on VOTE411, register voters, and organize all of our events. The League of Women Voters of the District of Columbia is an all volunteer-run organization and, as such, our success depends on the enthusiastic participation of our members.

As a volunteer, you can gain experience in leadership and collaboration, hone your skills or learn new ones, learn about critical advocacy and voter education activities, get a behind-the-scenes view of League operations and decision making, and meet other fascinating League members. 

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead

To learn about upcoming volunteer opportunities, check the LWVDC Event Calendar.  Some opportunities are open to everyone and some are open only to active members.  If only open to active members, members will need to login to their LWVDC account to see the registration button.  Our newsletter also highlights volunteer opportunities and comes out every two weeks.  If not a member, you can still subscribe to our Newsletter.

We're always posting new events!  

Become a D.C. Election Worker

D.C. needs residents to serve as Election Workers. Please visit the D.C. Board of Elections website for more information and to apply.  To serve as an Election Day Worker, you must:
 - be a resident of the District of Columbia.
-  be at least 16 years old.
- complete at least four hours of training prior to each election.

Volunteer today and help us ensure everyone in our city is signed up and ready to vote.


Voter Registration Training


Please complete our online training before attending a voter registration event. The training materials will help you become familiar with your responsibilities as a voter registrar, and allow you to feel more prepared to engage potential voters!

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