Join LWVDC in reviewing and making recommendations to the LWVUS National Program (2024-2026). You can learn more about the National Program and how it is developed below.
The LWVUS Board recommends that Program 2024 – 2026 continue the Campaign for Making Democracy Work®, which includes:
- Voting Rights
- Improving Elections
- Money in Politics
- Redistricting
- Abolishing the Electoral College
At Convention 2022, delegates voted to support a program that would fully utilize core League Positions on Voting Rights and Election Reform. The main goal of the Campaign for Making Democracy Work® is to ensure a free, fair, and accessible electoral system for all voters. Leagues at every level continue working to protect and advance voting rights and election reform at this critical time for our democracy, as well as to fight efforts in Washington, DC, and state legislatures to suppress voters.
At the same time, the League of Women Voters continues our Transformation Journey to strengthen the organization while also engaging new and future activists for the League’s core issues.
About the National Program Process (from the League Management Site):
LWVUS Program is the education and advocacy platform that the League membership adopts at each biennial LWV National Convention. The goal of the LWVUS Program Planning process is to achieve collective agreement around how LWV will move our mission forward for the next two years.
During January and February 2024, local and state Leagues conduct Program Planning exercises and make Program recommendations in a local or state general membership meeting or board meeting. During this time, Leagues are also asked to share information on how their work will impact the Campaign for Making Democracy Work® and to identify LWVUS positions that they intend to use in education, advocacy, and lobbying. Leagues share this information with LWVUS through the Program Planning survey, which is open from January to mid-March 2024.
LWVUS Program consists of three parts:
- Action to implement League Principles;
- Study or concurrence on a governmental issue to develop new Positions or to update existing Positions;
- Action on government issues.
League Program is the grassroots method by which LWV supports our mission through education and advocacy. All League action, advocacy, and education are based on support for League Positions and League Principles. League action in support of League Positions may be taken only in those areas where there is member understanding and agreement.